
Top 10 Signs You Are Working with the Wrong Realtor

Many prospective and current homeowners are familiar with the best qualities of real estate agents – for example, physically attractive, fun, and drive nice cars.

However, I think it is more important to identify bad realtors so you can avoid working with them. Therefore, for the final article of our Special Report on Real Estate, I spent dozens of minutes researching and compiling the Top 10 Signs You Are Working with the Wrong Realtor:

10. She insists that you pay for the limousine that takes you on the pub crawl between showings.

The tale of two (coastal) cities

When I moved to the West Coast from Halifax 22 years ago, I had heard that the Vancouver real estate market was tough to break into. But how bad could it be? I had just sold a beautiful three bedroom heritage house in one of Greater Halifax’s quiet neighbourhoods. It went for $134,000, 40% more than what I had paid for it a decade earlier.

AI: Where are we and where are we going?

Artificial Intelligence has people fretting. High-profile disagreements among tech gurus make us wonder, anxiously, what the future will be like for ordinary people. If geniuses like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and the late Stephen Hawking cannot agree on the usefulness and the relative benefits or dangers of AI, what hope is there for us to understand or even imagine how our lives will change?